E-Card: Expedition Base Set

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165 products

Expedition: Base Set

Cloyster (42/165)

6.40 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Pokemon Nurse (145/165)

6.50 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Dragonair (75/165)

6.30 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Butterfree (38/165)

6.10 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Kingler (50/165)

5.80 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Skarmory (63/165)

5.80 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Magby (52/165)

5.60 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Metal Energy (159/165)

5.40 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Poliwhirl (89/165)

5.50 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Vulpix (136/165)

5.40 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Golem (49/165)

5.30 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Magikarp (118/165)

5.20 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Arbok (35/165)

4.90 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Dratini (107/165)

4.90 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Quilava (91/165)

4.90 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Pidgeotto (88/165)

4.70 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Raichu (61/165)

4.70 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Rapidash (62/165)

4.70 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Totodile (134/165)

4.60 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Fearow (45/165)

4.50 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Bayleef (71/165)

4.40 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Alakazam (33/165)

4.30 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Darkness Energy (158/165)

4.30 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Dugtrio (44/165)

4.20 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Machamp (51/165)

4.10 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Pikachu (124/165)

4.10 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Cyndaquil (104/165)

4.00 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Poliwag (125/165)

4.00 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Totodile (135/165)

3.90 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Jynx (83/165)

3.90 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Hitmonlee (81/165)

3.70 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Expedition: Base Set

Metapod (87/165)

3.70 $ CAD

Out of Stock

165 products