Shipping & Returns
Release Date: | 2020-07-30 |
Set Name: | Adventure Time |
Card Number: | AT/WX02-084S SR |
Rarity: | Super Rare |
Card Type: | Character |
Color: | Blue |
Level: | 0 |
Cost: | 0 |
Soul: | 1 |
Traits: | Ooo |
Power: | 1000 |
[AUTO] When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is level 1 or higher, put it into your hand, choose 1 card in your hand, and put it into your waiting room. (Otherwise, return the revealed card to its original place. Climax are regarded as level 0) [AUTO] At the beginning of your opponent's attack phase, you may move this card to an open position of your center stage.
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