Shipping & Returns
Release Date: | 2019-05-17 |
Set Name: | Gun Gale Online |
Card Number: | GGO/S59-TE05R RRR |
Rarity: | Triple Rare |
Card Type: | Character |
Color: | Red |
Level: | 1 |
Cost: | 0 |
Soul: | 0 |
Traits: | Avatar,Weapon |
Power: | 3000 |
[AUTO] [CXCOMBO] When this card attacks, if"Pink's Ambush" is in your climax area, reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is an "Avatar" or "Net" character, put it into your hand. (Otherwise, return it to its original place) [AUTO] When this card becomes REVERSE, if this card's battle opponent is level 1 or lower, you may REVERSE that character.
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